Ralph "Bud" Fry
Mr. Fry currently serves as the President of Parent Project®, Inc. He is a retired Police Supervisor from Los Angeles County and has over 30 years of experience as a parent educator. Bud is a past recipient of the California Governor’s Award of Excellence for Outstanding Contributions in Crime Prevention and the California Youth Authority’s Individual Service Award. Mr. Fry’s educational programs have been formally recognized by members of the United States Congress, the California State Legislature, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and the U.S. Department of Education.
Contact Bud Fry at: [email protected]

Roger H. Morgan, Psy.D.
Dr. Morgan, a Licensed Psychologist practicing in Southern California, specializes in the treatment of children and adolescents with behavior problems. With 39 years clinical experience treating high-risk adolescents and their families, Dr. Morgan's focus is helping parents to apply behavioral interventions in the home. When not teaching professionals in Parent Project Facilitator Trainings, he provides direct services to families in his practice. His career goal in both venues is to help parents guide their children through their difficult years to become successful adults.
Contact Dr. Morgan at: [email protected]
Bonnie Burstein, Ph.D. (Special Consultant)
Dr. Burstein is a Licensed psychologist. She is co-founder of UCLA’s Self-Help Support Group Center and has worked to develop self-help groups for over 30 years. Dr. Burstein is widely known for her expertise in self-help support group processes.