Empowering parents and transforming teens
Parent Project Senior
“Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior” is an award-winning intervention model addressing the most destructive of adolescent behaviors. We know of no other program that addresses it all: truancy, drugs, runaways, media, early teen sex, violence, gangs . . . Parent Project Senior promises concrete answers for every parent question asked.

Concrete answers for challenging kids
Parent Project Junior
Loving Solutions is a parent-training program specifically designed for parents raising difficult younger children, ages 5-10 years. With special application to ADD / ADHD issues, Loving Solutions employs a behavioral model to help parents both motivate children to do constructive tasks and manage unwanted behaviors. The programs “Steps of Success” (S.O.S.) home practice assignments help create a solid foundation for change.
Improve School Attendance and Performance
Preparing Our Kids for Success
Parent Project is proud to introduce Preparing Our Kids for Success. This stand-alone, 2.5-hour truancy intervention parent class is “Trauma-Informed” and specifically designed to augment the S.A.R.B. and local Truancy Abatement efforts.
Learn More →

Monthly tips crafted for you
Parenting Tip of the Month
Grit vs. Talent
Dr. Angela Duckworth has studied rookie teachers, West Point Cadets, spelling bee champions, salespeople, Ivy League college students, and school children. In all of them, Dr. Duckworth found that GRIT was the best predictor of success. Grit is defined as passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Dr. Duckworth's research proved that grit was a better predictor of success than talent, intelligence, or social status. In many cases, Duckworth found that success was unrelated to talent. Gritty kids are optimistic and understand that failure is temporary and may even be a necessary step to success.
Who We Are
Parent Project Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop parent-training programs for parents raising difficult or out-of-control children. We are committed to providing highly effective programs that are affordable for every parent. At the Parent Project®, we believe that parents are the answer. In our 30 plus years, we have worked with over ½ million parents raising difficult or out-of-control children. Our programs are based on their experiences and successes. No matter how difficult the situation may be, we can help. "Little miracles." It's what we do!